Cinderella Pantomime: Junior Dance Auditions
Paul Holman Associates are seeking junior dancers for the ensemble for this year’s pantomime Cinderella at the Winding Wheel Theatre.
Registration from 2pm.
Rehearsals 18-20 Nov
Performances 29 Nov-31 Dec.
Junior dancers aged 12 years old on the date of the audition and no younger than 9 years on the first day of rehearsals
Maximum height 4'11"
A minimum of Grade 1 standard in ISTD (or equivalent) modern, ballet and tap
Must be available for the entirety of the rehearsal /show period.
May be required to rehearse 2 weekends prior to full rehearsal
School and home must be within 30 minutes travelling distance of the theatre
Every child needs a female relative over 21 years, who is willing a chaperone's licence and chaperone shows on a rota basis.
Children must be accompanied by their own parent at the audition. If accompanied by another adult the child must have a pre-signed consent form obtainable from (any further enquiries also to this email address or WhatsApp 07783031067).
Please ensure children have drinks, relevant shoes and dance wear.
Successful applicants are subject to local education authority performance licensing.
Dates & Times
Ticket Price